Rotary Club of Ballarat

New Honorary Member Mayor Daniel Moloney Gallery

At our last meeting we were delighted to induct into our Club as an Honorary Member the Mayor of Ballarat, Cr Daniel Moloney.

This is a tradition of our club with the mayor joining us as an honorary member. It has been so throughout our 96-year history. In accepting the membership Daniel addressed the Club on the challenges facing the Council as it plans to keep up with the fast-growing population of our city.

At present the city is growing at 2500 people a year and this equates to an extra 1000 cars a year on our roads. No wonder congestion on major streets is becoming an issue. Developing a major north-south thoroughfare joining the Western Highway to the Geelong Rd south of Sebastopol is now a priority given the number of large trucks now on our city streets.

Daniel went on to talk about other infrastructure projects which will hopefully see the city withstand the pressures of population growth while maintaining the charm of our heritage.
