Rotary Club of Ballarat

Club Meeting 5 Sept 2022 - District Governor's Meeting Gallery

District Governor Kathy Rivett. 
The visit by our District Governor is always a highlight of the Rotary year. The visit last week by District Governor Kathy Rivett was no exception. Kathy was her normal engaging and enthusiastic self. She spoke passionately about the need to ensure members enjoy their engagement with Rotary as a key strategy to attract new and to retain existing members. Kathy encouraged us to reflect on this year's theme 'Imagine Rotary' and to imagine type of club we wish to be in future years to meet the needs of our current and potential new members. Of particular interest was Kathy's emphasis on us finding out what potential new members would like to get out of being a member of our club. This included the type of meetings we run, the type of projects we engage in and the type of marketing strategies we employ to attract new members. Kathy concluded by encourag- ing our club to attend the District Conference in March 2023 as a way to have an enjoyable time and to learn about new and exciting Rotary projects and programs.