Rotary Club of Ballarat

Ballarat Legacy Presentation - 7th Nov 22 Gallery

The strong links between Ballarat Legacy and the club were a feature of last week's presentation by Allan McKinnon. Allan is a long serving Rotarian and member of Ballarat Legacy. Like our club, Ballarat Legacy is in its 97th year. The links between the two clubs include working together during the depression of the 1930s to assist returned servicemen to secure employment. Ballarat Legacy is currently providing support to over 450 families across the broad central highlands region. This includes 36 children and young people ranging from those engaged in primary school to university education. These young people are provided funds to support their education. Additional important activities include family camps, adventure activities and public speaking awards. All the funds for these activities are donated by community members. Importantly, Allan noted that Legacy now includes support for families where the parent is still living but has given their health in service of their country.