Rotary Club of Ballarat

Biggest Morning Tea 25/5/23 Gallery

n keeping with the theme of this meeting, our guest speaker, Maureen Payne, provided a highly personal insight into the wonderful range of cancer support services provided free of charge to cancer patients at the Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre (BRICC). Maureen emphasized the difference between the medical treatment for cancer and the services provided by BRICC which focus on promoting individual recovery and wellness. The highly personal approach and opportunities for support available at BRICC enables the program to be tailored to individual needs and desires,all within a very welcoming environment.

While the programs include sessions as varied as financial advice, bra and breast form fitting, a wig library, oncology massage, there are also a range of support groups for those recovering from prostate cancer and bowel cancer. Maureen finished by saying, "I do not know how I would have managed without the BRICC Wellness Centre, and I will forever be eternally grateful for the role it has played in my slow but steady return to good physical and mental health".

Maureen emphasized that the BRICC Wellness Program does not receive government funding and therefore is totally reliant upon financial support from the Ballarat and district community.