Rotary Club of Ballarat

Karissa Kelly RYLA / New Members / PHF Recognition 29/6/23 Gallery

What a big week!
New Members
We inducted new members John Geddes and Corporate members Shane Finch, Chris Borgonah, Chantelle Meggs and Sarah O'Connell from Barry Plant Real Estate.  Great to welcome all of these great people into the club.
PHF Recognition
Past President Rob Glass and Rotarian Karyl McGlinn were recognised for their commitment to the Rotary Foundation with presentation of sapphire PHF pins.
Karissa Kelly - RYLA
This week we got to hear from Karissa Kelly, who was nominated for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award, an intensive leadership experience organised by Rotary to develop young peoples' skills as leaders. During the program, each day was filled with moments of growth, learning to tap into their potential and discover the power of collaboration and teamwork. Participants were encouraged to direct their attention towards various key areas of focus that could shape their personal and leadership development. For example, they explored the concept of leadership and examined their individual perspectives on what makes a great leader by delving into different leadership styles and collectively determining the most suitable approach for specific circumstances. They also took a deeper dive into their personal beliefs and values by seeking to understand the factors that have shaped their values thus far and contemplated how they may evolve in the future as result of their visions. Among many other things, they also learned to recognize that effective leadership begins with self-love, self-confidence and self-care. The impact RYLA has had on Karissa (and her fellow participants) was immense.